
Pergaminhos de uma velha Mumia

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Mais tarde ou mais cedo, teremos de enfrentar

«Directors called on the authorities to pursue additional steps to raise labor market flexibility and improve the responsiveness of wages to productivity and skill differentials. They observed that restrictions on collective dismissals exceed the EU average, and those on individual dismissals are the tightest in the OECD. While recognizing that these restrictions are less binding in practice because of extensive use of temporary contracts and self-employment, Directors cautioned that such mechanisms can create a segmented labor market, with strong protection for some workers and considerable job instability for others. They noted that such conditions raise equity concerns and can hamper productivity growth by slowing the movement of protected workers from low-growth sectors to higher-growth ones

in: Relatório sobre Portugal do Fundo Monetário Internacional
Outubro de 2005
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